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Interview with Alireza Pakdel

Interview with Alireza Pakdel

Alireza Pakdel is an Iranian cartoonist, caricaturist, and designer. He won several famous international prizes. He has held numerous independent exhibitions from his works so far. This young artist worked with some famous presses such as Gol Agha, Gol Agha children, Keyhan Caricature and…. He is one the person who could use creativity and innovation in portrait professionally.

He drew 300 portraits and exhibited them in the social media, press and festivals and they got positive feedbacks. During this time, he drew some caricatures against covid 19 and show people the ways which they can prevent this disease.

We had an interview with this famous cartoonist that you can read it here:

You have started the art when you were teenager. Why were you interested in art?

- I think because my family were interested in Gol Agha magazine. When I was a child, I was talented in drawing and calligraphy and I always got good marks in art. So, I gradually interested in cartoon and caricature. However, the works of masters such as Rafie Ziaee, Arabani, and pakshir in Gol Agha magazine had important role too.

What is your description of caricature after all these years of professional activities?

- We have two words for this art, cartoon and caricature. Cartoon includes subject and idea and it transmits different subjects such as political, social, cultural and…. But caricature is just a portrait that it is created by exaggerating the parts of character’s face.

You are called the king of broken lines in caricature; how can artists have their own style in art?

_ It’s kind of them. I think an artist can improve his works by tireless effort, studying and having motivation, so he can achieve his style.

It’s about several years that people and authorities acquire with cartoon and caricature art, and they don’t know it as ridicule. So how does it happen?

- I think artist have an important role to introducing this art, all of us try hard to introduce it and sometimes we felt unappreciated and suffered. But we didn’t give up and continue.  We also hope that the real place of this art will be known in our country.

Were you treated for a caricature by a person or organization?  

- Yes, it happened several times, even internationally.

You have worked with different presses for example Gol Agha, now how does presses cooperate with caricaturists? Does a few audience members effect on their communications?

- In recent years, this cooperation has decreased because of few audiences and arbitrary and unprofessional decisions of these presses directors. In addition, virtual space decreases the presses audiences so, it causes reduction of collaboration between presses and caricaturists. Also, the payments have affected this action and they are very low.

What do you think about closing the biennial cartoon?

- Seyed Masaud Shojaee Tabatabaee, Abbas Zahedi, the cooperators of Caricature House and caricaturist have taken many troubles to create this national brand in the visual field, but unfortunately, it was closed easily.

I think it was a very big damage to the art because this festival was one of the big caricature festivals in the world. Many famous world caricaturists acquired with our culture and people through it even they came to Iran. On the other hand, many famous artists were found in this festival.

What do you want from the general office of visual arts for this event?

Yes, I ask them to try this festival will be organized again, because this event is important not only for Iranian artists but also for the artists around the world. Many times, many foreign artists asked me about it and they were worried about closing.  When I had a trip to Brazil for jury, they asked me about this festival too.

Would you please explain about creating your Covid 19 works? What is your goal?

- My aim was to show the medical team problems. These days they play important role against this deadly disease. Also, our society basically needs good feeling, hope, and informing.

 Do you have any plan for organizing exhibition, publishing book and …?

- Because of these conditions, I don’t think to exhibition and publishing book, but I continue to create works and publish them in virtual space, until in future, I have a suitable programing for them in the good conditions.

How do you anticipate the 99 spring?

- I hope this spring will be with health and this disease can be eliminated in our country and all over the world. I hope unpleasant events will not happen in this year and everything will be good for my people and economic conditions will be improved.

Are you going to travel?

- I definitely stay at home and I won’t travel.



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